Friday, July 17, 2009

checking milk quality

1-wash and clean the udder and teats w/ soap and water
2-rinse thoroughly
3-strip down the teats to expel milk that might have solidified(coagulate)
4-wipe dry the udder and the teats w/ clean towel
5-using your left hand, hold and place the milk plate(paddle) directly beneath the teats
6-strip the teats until enough milk is collected in the milk plate(paddle)
7-take the paddle away and mix enough amount of california mastitis test fluid(CMT) to each milk sample and gently shake(approx. 6 drops of cmt mixed in each sample)
(note: shake the cmt container well before taking fluid for best result)
8-when mastitis is observed, record or log findings as shown

  • sample I - A and D is infected with mastitis
  • sample II - B(dry), D infected with mastitis, A/C good
  • sample III - good

ear tag number(ETN) findings remarks
1. 3D01 ☻ ☺ a, d with mastitis
☻ ☺
2. 3D03 ☻ ☺ b(dry), d with mastitis
◘ ☺ a, c good
3. 94 ☺ ☺ good
☺ ☺

NOTE: i'll have to edit this logbook entry later. ciao!

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